How do you know if you are independent? It's when you feel good about yourself and have no fear. You have the right to say that you are self-confident. It's when you are willing to take a chance and hope for the best. It's when you are open-minded and think of all the wonderful things that will happen in your life. It is when you finally understand "ignorance is bliss". So why do some people doubt themselves and their ability to do better in their life? What has stunted their process to grow further? People are so focused on social acceptance. But it really doesn't matter what people think as long as you think about your happiness first. When others see that you are happy, they will naturally gravitate to you. There are no societal norms. Society is made of people, people are not perfect. If you know this, then what is stopping you to becoming more confident? More independent from what other people are doing or thinking?
My daughter got on the plane without my husband and me and was accompanied on the airline. She is only 10 years old and visiting her aunt in Texas. She said she was so excited and happy to be on a new adventure. She wasn't nervous. She was incredibly positive. She called me when she arrived. She was excited about her summer in space camp. I'm real proud of her. It really made me think about how brave she was to travel alone to go on a journey she chose for herself. She was growing up.
People have to realize that we all must think of ourselves as children. We still have hope and we still can learn. We all can have new adventures. There is no age limit. Feel confident about yourself so you too can experience independence.