Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Moon Girl Helps Breast Cancer

This is a special edition in support of breast cancer research. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was only 8 years old and counts my blessings each day that my mother fought it and she is doing wonderfully today.

Due to my mother's illness, I fell into a high risk category for breast cancer candidates. I've had a mammogram since my 20s. I pay close attention to my health since I've become a mother too.

This disease is a serious disease. It affects thousands of women. Any funds that go to researching breast cancer helps deeper research to the prevention and a better cure. Please help support this cause.

A story inspired by the author's observation of her mother and aunt's relationship. The name of her book is a direct translation from "Wul Nyu" which is Korean for "Moon Girl".

A story of Moon Girl who made sure the moon shone brightly each night so night creatures could creep outside and see where they were going. There was another girl, her sister, Sun Girl. She made sure the sun shone brightly so all day creatures could stay away. So why did Moon Girl leave one day? What was she looking for? What did she discover? This is a story of self worth and valuable relationships. Discover the colorful journey with original illustrations. Moon Girl has the author's original colorful illustrations and chose the picture of Moon Girl journeying in her "moonmobile". Unlike her first book, "An Eagle Named Canary" which has felt pen drawings, The author's challenge making a decision on using watercolor pencils as her media. The book contains powerful messages of self worth and systematic relationships. This book is suitable for early learners and can be a learning tool for classroom discussions on social relationships and self image.

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